

金海娜:Audiovisual Translation and Going Global of Chinese Film and Television








金海娜,中国传媒大学教授,博士生导师,2018年入选中国传媒大学首批青年拔尖人才。北京大学博士,英国曼彻斯特大学联合培养博士,悉尼大学访问研究员。从事影视译制与传播方面的教学与研究工作。在Perspectives, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Journal of Audiovisual Translation,《中国翻译》《现代传播》《当代电影》等S高水平论文A&HCICS高水平论文等重要刊物发表影视翻译相关学术论文二十余篇,撰写专著《中国无声电影翻译研究》,译著Film and Television Culture in China在英出版,编著《中外影视互译合作》系列蓝皮书,所撰写的调研报告三次获国家部委采纳,并被评为文化部全国文化系统优秀调研报告。主持国家社科基金青年项目《中国电影外译史》、国家社科基金中华学术外译《影视文化论稿》(英文版)等科研项目。学术兼职包括国家广播电视总局中非影视合作工程丝绸之路影视桥工程当代作品翻译工程等项目评审专家;国家电影局中国电影普天同映项目评审专家;文化和旅游部对外出版影视和展览中拉文化互译项目评审专家;中国电影博物馆“译制电影”修纲负责人;文化与旅游部CCTSS影视专委会主持人,国际A&HCI期刊Journal of Chinese Cinemas客座主编,国际期刊 Journal of Audiovisual Translation学术委员会委员,国际学术会议Language & MediaMedia for All顾问委员会委员,Routledge出版社书稿评审专家。



China has become a major country in film and television production. Since 2011, Chinese governmental agencies began to implement several projects such as “Sino-Africa Film and TV Cooperation Project”, “Silk Road Film Television Bridge Project” to promote the dissemination of Chinese film and television overseas through translation. Meanwhile, Chinese and overseas film and television companies have been increasing their efforts in the translation of Chinese film and television. Thirdly, fansubbing also facilitates the overseas dissemination of Chinese film and television. Fans are one of the most powerful forces for the going global of Chinese film and television, taking their contributions in translation on Mydramalist and Viki as an example. There are three main modes of translating Chinese film and television for overseas market, which are the government-sponsored mode, the commercial mode and the voluntary mode. The translation entities, contents of translation, target audience, broadcast channels and effects of the three translation modes will be discussed in the speech and suggestions for future translation of Chinese film and television for overseas market will also be put forward.

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