

Invitation for Abstracts


On behalf of the Conference Organising Committee, it is my pleasure to warmly invite you to take part in the Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education: International Conference, which will be held on 2 -- 3 December 2010 at the University of Hong Kong (HKU).

 As an inaugural conference on teaching and learning in higher education hosted by the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU, the theme of the conference as suggested by its title is “Enhancing Learning Experiences in Higher Education”.  Submission of abstracts is invited which should embrace the conference theme and subthemes of the following:

 1. Transition and the first year experience

2. Literacy across the curriculum

3. Experiential learning and co-curricular

4. Outcomes-based approaches to student learning (OBASL)

5. Assessment and feedback

6. Diversity and multicultural experience

7. Enhancing learning through technology

8. Learning communities

9. Continuing education and professional development

10. Problem based learning (PBL)

11. Postgraduate student experiences

12. Generic skills in higher education


The deadline for abstract submission is on 31 May 2010

 We look forward to meeting you at this exciting event!

You may mail your abstract

 Best regards,

 Beverley Webster
Chairperson, Conference Organising Committee


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