The First International Conference on Intercultural Business Communication and Workshop


The First International Conference on Intercultural Business Communication and Workshop
(First Call for Papers)
In a continuing effort to support the accelerated reform of foreign language education and nurturing of talents, and to promote the disciplinary development of intercultural business communication in China amid the daunting challenges in the post-crisis and globalization era, the University of International Business & Economics (“UIBE”) is hosting The First International Conference on Intercultural Business Communication in Beijing on 22-23 May 2010. The conference is organized by the School of International Studies (“SIS”) of UIBE, sponsored by the Key Research Institute for Business English and Cross-cultural Studies and co-hosted by the Journal of Research for Foreign Languages in Business. The Conference will feature keynote speeches by renowned experts and distinguished researchers in the field as well as parallel paper sessions. Selected contributions to the conference will be published in the Journal of Business Languages Research
Four workshops will be run by the four overseas keynote speakers prior to the Conference on 20-21 May 2010.

 (Keynote speakers)
Prof. Peter Franklin
Tenured C3 professor, KIeM Institute for Intercultural Management, Values, and Communication, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, HTWG Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Michael Goodman
Director of the MA in Corporate Communication at Baruch College, The City University of New York, USA
Prof. Malcolm MacDonald
Editor-in-Chief of Language and Intercultural Communication (S高水平论文 indexed Journal), UK
Prof. Helen Spencer-Oatey
Director of Center for Applied Linguistics, University of Warwick, UK
Prof. Wang Lifei
Dean of the School of International Studies, Director of Center for Business English and Intercultural Studies, University of International Business and Economics, China
Prof. Zhang Zuocheng
Prof. of English, University of International Business and Economics, China

Conference Theme
Intercultural business communication in global contexts

Suggested topics
Theories of intercultural business communication
Teaching intercultural business communication
Business discourse studies
Business pragmatic studies
Intercultural business negotiations
Intercultural marketing and branding
Intercultural business management
Intercultural business communication competencies
Researching intercultural business communication Cultures and mergers in multinationals
Media and international business
Ethics in intercultural business communication
Cultures and consumer behaviors
Intercultural human resources management
Cultural conflicts in international business
Traditional cultures and international business
Business cultures of the West and the East
Values of the West and the East
Acculturation and enculturation
Other related topics on intercultural business communication

Workshop dates: 20-21 May 2010 (Registration on 19 May 2010)
Conference dates: 22-23 May 2010 (Registration on 21 May 2010)
Venue for the Workshop and Conference: School of International Studies, University of International Business & Economics, 10 Huixin East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China
Expenses: Registration fees: RMB 800/person for the workshop (No discount for postgraduate students); RMB650/person (Graduate students rate: RMB350/person) for the Conference; participants are responsible for their own travel, meals and accommodation expenses.
*** For overseas scholars, the registration fee will be USD$120/person for the Conference.
Procedure of registration:
1. For consideration of paper(s), please email the Chinese and English abstracts (c. 300 words for each version) to us at by 15 April 2010. Full paper submissions are also welcome.
2.      The Organizing Committee will issue a Letter of Invitation to author(s) of abstracts accepted by 25 April 2010.
3.  For participants who DO NOT present papers at the conference, please fill in the registration form and fax or e-mail to Li Chenxi of the School of International Studies. The deadline for registration is 1 April 2010.
4.      Contact: Li Chenxi, School of International Studies, University of International Business & Economics, via telephone 010-64493759, E-mail or facsimile 010-64493201. For further information, please check our website at
5.The main working language for the Conference will be English.
The Organizing Committee of the First International Conference on Intercultural Business Communication
The School of International Studies, the University of International Business & Economics
28 January 2010


The First International Conference on Intercultural Business Communication and Workshop
Registration Form

Research Orientation
Hotel Reservation
Email Address
Zip code


Prof. Peter Franklin
德国HTWG Konstanz 应用科学大学经济学与社会科学系,KIeM跨文化管理研究所终身教授
Prof. Michael Goodman
Prof. Malcolm MacDonald
Prof. Helen Spencer-Oatey
Prof. Wang Lifei
Prof. Zhang Zuocheng


Suggested topics
l  跨文化商务交际理论
l  跨文化商务交际教学
l  商务话语研究
l  商务语用研究
l  跨文化商务谈判
l  跨文化营销与品牌建设
l  跨文化商务管理
l  跨文化商务交际能力
l  跨文化商务交际研究方法
l  跨国企业并购中的文化现象
l  跨文化商务与传媒
l  跨文化商务交际伦理
l  跨文化消费行为
l  跨文化人力资源管理
l  国际商务中的文化冲突
l  传统文化与国际商务
l  中西商务文化对比
l  中西商业价值观研究
l  商务跨文化适应研究
l  其他跨文化商务交际的相关议题
Theories of intercultural business communication
Teaching intercultural business communication
Business discourse studies
Business pragmatic studies
Intercultural business negotiations
Intercultural marketing and branding
Intercultural business management
Intercultural business communication competencies
Researching intercultural business communication Cultures and mergers in multinationals
Media and international business
Ethics in intercultural business communication
Cultures and consumer behaviors
Intercultural human resources management
Cultural conflicts in international business
Traditional cultures and international business
Business cultures of the West and the East
Business Values of the West and the East
Business Acculturation and enculturation
Other related topics on intercultural business communication

研修班时间:2010年5月20-21日 (5月19日报到)
1.       请于2010年4月15前将中英对照论文提要各300词电邮至, 也可同时提交完整的论文。
2.      论文提要通过审核后,组委会将于2010年4月25日之前发出邀请函。
3. 有意参会但不宣读论文者请填写报名表,通过传真或E-mail发给对外经济贸易大学英语学院李晨曦。报名截止日期为2010年4月1日。
4. 联系人:李晨曦 对外经济贸易大学英语学院,电话:010-64493759;;传真:010-64493201; 查询网址:
5. 本次大会的主要工作语言为英语。



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性 别
□ 研修班
□ 研讨会


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